Through extensive coursework, laboratories with specialized equipment, guest experts, field experiences and student-directed projects, Shorecrest students in the Medical Sciences program gain exposure to and expertise in a wide range of topics in applied medical science.

Our goal through the program is to expose students to multiple facets of medical science - not just becoming a doctor or nurse - but also introducing them to interdisciplinary topics in genetics, prosthetics, physical therapy, bioethics, etc., so that they have some foundational knowledge of topics and career options as they move on to college and consider career goals.

Mrs. Lisa Peck
Upper School science teacher and Director of the Peck Center for Medical Sciences

Coursework & Field Experiences

Students may elect pursue Medical Sciences coursework throughout their junior and senior years at Shorecrest, including:

  • Honors Intro to Medical Sciences
  • Honors Anatomy & Physiology I & II
  • Access to guest speakers in the medical field. Past speakers have included anesthesiologists, dermatologists, experts in prosthetics, general surgeon, hospital leadership, medical students, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, pediatric oncology nurse practitioners, physical therapists and more.
  • Hospital / medical facility tours. Past students have had behind-the-scenes tours of Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, All Florida Orthopedic Associations, and more.
  • Students participate in a number of experiential learning opportunities. Past experiential learning projects and events have included launching a Be the Match bone marrow donation registry drive, creating an anatomy of yoga curriculum, rounding with physicians, shadowing surgeries, and more.

What’s especially meaningful about this program is its real-world application. Its experiential nature gives students the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need in college and in life, whether or not they decide to pursue a future in the medical field.

Erich Scneider
Head of Upper School

Pre-med Club

Shorecrest also offers Upper School students the opportunity to participate in the Pre-med Club, an extracurricular club open to all 9th-12th grade students who have an interest in medical science. The club has no prerequisites and allows students to gain broad exposure to topics studied in greater depth through the Peck Center for Medical Sciences track.
