
The Shorecrest Clinic is staffed by two nurses - one full-time, the other part-time - every day that school is in session. The 4-bed Clinic is centrally located on the first floor of Charger Commons.

  • Provides health assessments, first aid, and emergency care
  • Insures that all students have proper immunizations and physical exams as required by the State of Florida
  • Administers medication as prescribed by your child’s physician
  • Communicates with parents if a student is ill or seriously injured
  • Monitors immunization compliance and communicable diseases

For the safety of our community, parents/guardians will be contacted to pick up their child if, in the professional opinion of the nurse, he/she is unable to participate in school activities or may put other students and staff at risk of an illness.

Sick Student Policy

Shorecrest faculty and staff ask for your partnership in helping to control the spread of illness and contagious diseases on campus and to preserve the classroom learning environment for all students. Keeping sick students off campus is in the best interest of the ill student and their peers: sick students are unable to participate fully and are potentially disruptive to other students. The Sick Student Policy also helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases on campus to other students, faculty, staff, or volunteers. 

By sending students to school, parents are attesting that the student is fever- and illness-free, as outlined in the Sick Student Policy. 

Students who are not feeling well and visit the clinic and are assessed may be sent home at the discretion of the school nurse.

Please help keep your child and others healthy by keeping your child home if they have been diagnosed with or are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:

- Fever greater than 100.3 (no fever-reducing medication for 24 hours)
- Vomiting in the last 24 hours unrelated to a chronic illness, or where the cause cannot be determined
- Diarrhea in the last 24 hours (not caused by a change in diet)
- Sore throat - if diagnosed with strep throat or a strep illness they must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning
- Frequent coughing 
- Runny nose with thick yellow/green mucus drainage
- Pain that does not go away (head, stomach, ear, etc.)
- Rash of unknown origin
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye) must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning
- Impetigo, ringworm, and scabies areas must be covered and treatment has begun

If your child develops any of the above symptoms during the school day the expectation is that they will be picked up from the Clinic within one hour after being contacted. 

- A physician return-to-school note will be required for suspected contagious illnesses (such as conjunctivitis, flu, strep etc.), as well as any illness absence lasting longer than three days. Physician return-to-school notes must be sent to the school nurse before the student returns. 
- Parents who are physicians may not write their child’s return-to-school note.

Medications At School

The clinic has the following over the counter medications available to students with the parent’s written consent: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, Tums, oral and topical Benadryl, hydrocortisone cream, clear eye drops and cough drops.

Other medications may be administered at school by the nurse with a written order from a licensed health care provider, with parent written permission. All medications must be in their original prescribed labeled containers. An administration of medication form must be filled out by the parent EVERY school year. Students are allowed to self-carry medications (inhaler, epinephrine auto-injector, pancreatic enzymes) providing that a self-carry administration form is completed and signed by both parent and student, with the approval of the school nurse.

Life threatening allergies:

A severe allergy health history form must be completed and signed by the parent every year. Parents are expected to provide their child’s epinephrine auto-injector (with its original prescription label) to the nurse by the first day of school.

Did You Know?

  • A Sports physical is not the same as a Health physical. Students who participate on athletic teams must have their doctor complete their physical on an FHSAA EL2 Preparticipation Form. 
  • The School maintains a Health Council to make policy recommendations for approval by the Shorecrest Administration to enhance the physical health of the Shorecrest community.

Where to find AEDs on Campus

Health Team