Shorecrest School

Class of 2024 GSI Presentations

Upper School News

Last week members of the Class of 2024 who are participating in the GSI program presented their final projects to members of the GSI Board, faculty members, family and peers. In addition to defending their work, the students submitted a detailed research portfolio and were required to take specific classes in order to meet the GSI program requirements. Congratulations to these tremendous students! Below are a list of students who presented, along with the titles of their projects:

William Brockman '24
“Korean Reunification in Light of South Korea’s Demographic Collapse”

Lily Dunn '24
“The Interconnection Between Tourism and Italian Historical/Cultural Sites”

Story Pennock '24
“To What Extent Should Museums Repatriate Objects? A Guideline Proposition”

Sofia Winer '24
“The Implications of Drug Trafficking On the Colombian Economy”


#ShorecrestGSI #Shorecrest2024 #ShorecrestUpperSchool 

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