Shorecrest School

Exploring Expected Value Through Carnival Games

Upper School News

Shorecrest Upper School students in Mr. Battle’s statistics class displayed their recent projects in a “Carnival” in the Ohana Community Room this week. They designed carnival-style games that other students played, and which supported their unit on expected value. 

The assignment challenged the Chargers to create a game with three or more outcomes and different levels of payouts. The game could allow players to use dice, cards, or other props. The goal was to create a game that will earn the game, not the player, as much money as possible. Students also had to create an appealing poster advertising their game, including the rules and payouts. They had to provide their teacher with a table that shows the expected value of the game broken down by the various outcomes, and a table of data showing results from each time their game was played.

The carnival games showcased students’ statistical expertise, creativity and strategic thinking.



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