Shorecrest School

SCA Volunteer Thank-You Social, Janet Root Award Announced

SCA News Upper School News

Each spring the Shorecrest Community Association selects a recipient of the Janet Root Volunteer Service Award. The prestigious award is presented by past winners to a volunteer who has made an impact on campus for many years. The 2022-2023 Janet Root Volunteer Service Award recipient was revealed at SCA’s Volunteer Thank-You Social attended by past winners and current volunteers.

At the all-community event, the time and talent Shorecrest community members contribute was celebrated - from cheering on the Chargers at an athletic event, volunteering in the classroom, chairing a SCA committee, attending an event, etc.

Nancy Spencer, Head of School, thanked all 2022-2023 campus volunteers, the SCA Board, the Advancement Committee, the Alumni Board, the Board of Trustees, and the members of the Janet Root Volunteer Service Award committee. She then introduced Jackie Bircher, recipient of the 2022 Janet Root Volunteer Service Award and parent of Bill Bircher ‘22, to present this year's award. 

The Janet Root Volunteer Service Award was established by the Shorecrest Parent Association (now SCA) in 1984, as a commemoration of Janet’s expansive volunteer efforts and as a means of recognizing other outstanding Shorecrest volunteers. We continue Janet’s legacy by honoring those who have volunteered with the same sense of generosity. 

The criteria that are considered for the award are:
  • Length of service to the Shorecrest community
  • Service in a variety of areas across campus
  • Positions held, such as committee Chair, and committees served
  • Positive moral character
This year’s recipient of the Janet Root Award is Kimberly Burke, mom of Ainsley Burke '23. Since Ainsley’s time in the Experiential School, Kimberly has volunteered in the classroom, the library, and in many other capacities including Fall Festival, Relay For Life, Teacher Appreciation, Holiday Gift Drive, Parent Ambassador, Picture Lady, Big Event, and the Oldie Goldie Book Sale.

“She is somebody who just shows up. Whether to help with an event or just to help a school employee who might need an extra pair of hands that day," Jackie Bircher stated in her introduction. "Her favorite volunteer activity was Holiday gift Drive. Every year she was there to help shop and get things organized. ... Most recently and famously she is best known for her time as swim team parent for six years. ... She also uses her writing skills and throws in a little photography to help around campus. She really has been spectacular and given so much time to the school. Fellow volunteers described Kim as someone who is always willing to help, trustworthy, and never looking for recognition.” 

Upon receiving the award Kimberly shared, “This was such a big part of my life and I’m going to miss it -- and it was so worth it. It was worth every 5am swim practice! If you have an opportunity to volunteer, just do it. You will never regret that time.” 

Congratulations Kimberly! Thank you so much for your years of creativity, organization and dedication; and your help making Shorecrest an amazing place for so many smiling students!

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