Shorecrest Robotics Competes at VEX World Championship
Congratulations to the Upper School robotics team 6104G / Team Tempest, made up of students Ava Peters '25, Gaston Grehan-Savona '26 and Patrick Meng '25. They were the first Shorecrest Upper School robotics team to compete on the international stage at the VEX World Championship in Dallas, Texas. The event brought together teams from all 50 states and over 50 countries.
Tempest performed well and ranked 124th in the skills competition. They showcased their robot with true Shorecrest innovation and determination in the Opportunity Division. But the biggest win? Ava, Gaston and Patrick had the chance to connect with international teams, a truly unique experience -- even requiring the use of Google Translate at times. They chatted with NASA engineers, shook hands with a robotic dog, and were part of a global event broadcasted to millions.
"The trip was a big success for Shorecrest's robotics program, thanks in large part to Dr. Baralt's hard work in growing the STEAM program," said Robotics Coach Melissa Estremera.