Shorecrest School

Outdoor Club Paddleboarding

Upper School News

The Outdoor Club's first paddle excursion at Weedon Island Nature Preserve was last weekend, and it was a blast (aside from the fact that a new phone may or may not have been submerged in some seawater.) In addition to the swim team Regional meet that weekend, Mr. Steele was also on the water with 11 students along with Ms. Walker, who loved sharing her passion for paddleboarding. 

"If we want our students to be stewards of sustainability they must first have a connection with nature, noseeums and all. We all had fun getting back to our outdoor school roots of Shorecrest." Ms. Walker said.
The day was beautiful, the sun was out, and the spoonbills were flying everywhere. Attendees paddled around and all throughout the magnificent mangrove islands for three hours, and hidden within the islands lie a set of approximately fifteen kayak and canoe trails which are a challenge to make it through, but they are well worth it. In total, the group trekked about three miles through the mangroves.

Future excursions are open to all Upper School students, and, depending on the location and weather conditions, last approximately three hours. If you would like to bring your own board (or kayak), paddle, and life jacket, then the trip is free of charge. If you decide to rent a board (or kayak) then it will cost you about fifteen dollars per hour (paddle and life jacket included.) Attendees must wear closed toed shoes due to the abundance of oysters which are located in the vicinity of where the trip takes place. If you would like to go on a future trip, please see Mr. Steele to receive the necessary forms and information on when the next trip is going to be.

Also, remember to look into rock climbing with the Outdoor Club; like with the paddle boarding trip, you do not need to be a member of the Outdoor Club to go rock climbing. Just see Mr. Steele to receive the necessary paperwork.
We have some exciting plans ahead! These include a monthly paddle trip starting in the beginning of 2015 and various camping trips scattered throughout the year. Don't miss out!

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