Shorecrest School

Junior Chase J. to study at National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists

Upper School News

Junior Chase J. will attend a congress at Harvard this summer for future science and technology leaders. The National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists is a unique organization founded on the belief that education in the STEM fields plays a critical role in keeping the United States the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace throughout the 21st Century. American hero and astronaut Buzz Aldrin is the Academy Science Director. 

"When I think of the intelligence and ingenuity that got us on the moon – and brought us back – and how it has developed and influenced since then, I am excited for the future." said Aldrin.

When Chase was asked about how he too is excited for the future of science, topics such as genetics, stem cell breakthroughs and biomedics come to mind. "Biology is where my interest lies," he shared.

The National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists is designed to help prepare students for the challenges ahead and keep them focused and true to their dreams. Following the close of the Congress, participants remain members of the National Academy of Future Science and Technology Leaders, where they will continue to be mentored and assisted in achieving their goals. Learn more at

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