Shorecrest School

A South African Experience

Upper School News

Juniors Megan F and Summer H returned from a service trip in South Africa with The Simunye Project. The Simunye Project helps the impoverished people of the KwaZulu Natal area of South Africa. The charity runs on donations to assist with basic education, HIV/AIDS testing and awareness, and human development: 

While there, the girls helped finish the construction of a school's kitchen, stocked a food bank, delivered food and supplies to schools, and helped around the village. In addition, they were able to travel to Big Game Reserve for a safari. Visiting with people in town allowed them to provide simple medical attention, see how they make their clothing, learn how to throw spears, and attend a traditional Zulu wedding as guests of the Chief! They were able to provide a wheelchair for a young boy who could only move around when carried by his family.

Their favorite moment was when they gave a soccer ball to children in the village and saw how excited they were playing with it! They were often thanked with traditional song and dance. (6 photos)

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