Shorecrest School

Hands On, Minds On St Pete

Upper School News

The 14 girls who took part in Hands on, Minds on St Pete Service Week 2015 kept very busy.

Day 1 was all about dogs: the group visited the Southeastern Guide Dogs campus and socialize the puppies in the morning, and made training collars for the dogs in the afternoon.

Day 2, they went to All Children’s Hospital: Some students organized donated linens (baby blankets, sheets, even booties and little hats), while others sorted toys and party supplies.

Day 3, was Walshimgan Park work day: The group sanded and painted picnic tables and benches. The girls worked hard, considering it was a very warm day.

Day 4 focused on feeding others: The group bought supplies to make 150 bag lunches. At Beacon House, the girls baked cookies, made sandwiches, and assembled bagged lunches.

Everybody was tired at the end of the week, but grateful to have had the chance to work for our community in a variety of settings.

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