Shorecrest School

Travel Opportunities Presented to US Spanish Classes

Upper School News

Jorge Giroud '97, Shorecrest alumn and Director of High School Programs for ISA (International Studies Abroad) presented several options for service learning and study related opportunities during his visit on Tuesday, September 29.  ISA offers Shorecrest Upper School students a service learning opportunity in Costa Rica during our Service Week in March 2016, as well as several study abroad opportunities during the summer months around the world with a focus on Spain.
These opportunities not only enhance the students’ proficiency in Spanish, but also expand a student’s view of our world and its different cultures. In respect to the college application process, these experiences augment a student’s college admissions posture, as only 1% of high school students travel abroad for community service and/or study abroad.

Please contact Jorge Giroud directly at ISA[email protected] for more details about these opportunities.

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