Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Aces Cum Laude Society's Ten Year Review

Upper School News

Generally regarded as the Phi Beta Kappa of secondary schools, the Cum Laude Society (CLS) requires that member schools submit a report to its Board of Regents every ten years to ensure that the Society's high standards are maintained. The report includes demographic information, including credentials and awards earned, about the Upper School students and faculty. We must submit an account of all academic changes that have occurred since the last review, including curricular changes as well as new programs and buildings. We must also submit our current Mission Statement and an overview of the School's financial condition. Lastly, we have to provide detailed information about all students inducted into the CLS over the past three years. The information does not include the students' names, but it includes GPA, AP scores, SAT scores, and the colleges that our alumni are attending.

On the basis of this information, the Regents make a determination regarding the school's continued membership. Chapter Secretary Richard Beaton received the following news this week.

"The Board (of Regents) accepts your Ten-Year Chapter Review with enthusiasm. We are impressed by your chapter's performance and are pleased your school is a member of the Cum Laude Society."

In the CLS's language, acceptance of a school's review "with enthusiasm" is the highest score a member school can earn. Renewal of Shorecrest's membership in this prestigious, international, academic honor society is a powerful, objective validation of our programs, our faculty, and the successes of our students.

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