Shorecrest School

Presidential Speech Writing Competition

Upper School News

Last year, an local citizen with no personal connection to Shorecrest was so pleased by Shorecrest's student writing that he sponsored art and writing contests in LS, MS and US with prizes. This year, Mr. Bungard has a new US writing contest.
You are the President's chief speech writer, and he is about to give a critically important talk to help bring the country together. Write a 1,000-1,500 word speech for the president that will help to unify the country.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the speeches:
1.  HOOK: Effectively captures the attention of the reader/listener from the get-go.
2.  FACTS: Clear and commanding use of relevant facts.
3.  ORGANIZATION: There is a clear and logical organization and sequence to the speech. The speech sticks to the prompt.
4.  PERSUASION: The speech is appealing to reason, emotion and/or one's character.
Due Date: January 12, 2017. Submit a hard copy to Ms. Morlando.
Grand Prize Winner: $600 (1/2 to you; 1/2 to charity of your choice)
Runner Up: $300 (1/2 to you; 1/2 to charity of your choice)
4 Honorable Mentions (one per grade level): $50 each

Judging: Speeches will evaluated anonymously by a panel of incredible, smart and kid-friendly judges.
Get Writing, and inspire us!

(A Lower School contest will be announced next week.)

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