Shorecrest School

New Updates to the Shorecrest Health & Safety Statement, Policies

Upper School News

In order to further protect our school community, Shorecrest is now requiring that all Experiential School students come to school wearing masks, per the recommendation of the Health & Safety Task Force. The Experiential School faculty and staff will use the mask protocols as a teaching opportunity, the same way they support developing other healthy hygiene habits like respiratory etiquette and handwashing. Families are asked to please send their children to school masked by Monday, September 28, to give families a few days to find masks that best suit their children. If students do not have a mask upon arriving at school, a mask will be provided to them by a trusted teacher or staff member.

Shorecrest requests that drivers please wear a mask while staff are opening car doors and buckling/unbuckling children during drop off and pickup, per the recommendation of the Health & Safety Task Force. Masking briefly while staff secure children will help protect the faculty and staff who work carline in the mornings and afternoon.

Additional information and guidance on COVID-19 testing has been added to the Health & Safety Statement [See page 10]. Per an update to CDC testing guidelines published on Friday, September 18, Shorecrest now recommends COVID-19 testing for all individuals who:
  • Are recommended for testing by a physician based on symptoms 
  • Are identified as a close contact of a positive case

All individuals who have been tested for the reasons noted above are required to quarantine while awaiting test results. A negative test result for close contacts does not affect the 14-day quarantine requirement. A positive test would require an isolation period of 10 days from the date of testing AND being fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication AND the improvement of symptoms prior to returning to campus.

Returning to School/Work while Awaiting Test Results [Health & Safety Statement, page 10]
If an individual is tested for cause, they must quarantine and remain off campus while awaiting test results. Cause includes:
  • Symptoms of COVID-19
  • Identification as a close contact of a positive case
  • Asked or referred to get testing by their healthcare provider, local or state health department.

If an individual is at average risk and is being tested as a precaution, they may remain on campus. This includes:
  • Testing as a precaution prior to travel and/or visitation of a high-risk individual
  • Precautionary testing prior to a medical procedure or surgery

If you have questions about whether or not you/your student should remain off campus while awaiting test results, contact School Nurse Donna Conroy at [email protected] for guidance.

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