Shorecrest School

Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Paul Pagano Visits Pre-Med Club

Upper School News

Dr. Pagano, an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in spinal diseases/deformities at All Florida Orthopaedic - and Shorecrest parent - came and spoke to the Shorecrest Upper School Pre-Med Club members.

Dr. Pagano discussed many branches of healthcare, reiterated that becoming a doctor requires persistence, and showed surgical pictures and explained surgeries he has seen or conducted. He explained that orthopaedic surgeons focus on the muscular and skeletal systems of the body. He informed the students of the requirements to become a doctor, and after you finish medical school there are more options beyond becoming a doctor.

After sharing images of herniated discs, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, spinal fractures, an odontoid fracture, disc replacement, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Dr. Pagano explained to the students that these complications are what they would most likely be seeing if they become an orthopaedic surgeon specialized in the spine. Dr. Pagano also brought in many of the tools he uses to help people with deformities in the spine, such as titanium screws for different types of vertebrae. Students were fascinated by the fact that he helped design some of the medical instruments that help correct the spine and lessen pain.

The Club deeply appreciates Dr. Pagano for taking the time to come in and talk to us!

Upper School students can join the Pre-Med Club if they are interested in listening to other medical professionals talk about their profession and what they do. Email Stella Pagano or Reid Keller to join the club! 

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