Shorecrest School

Wandering Through Cannibal Land

Upper School News

Shorecrest Upper School's English 12 Honors: Dystopian Literature course taught by Ms. Updike encourages seniors to dissect lines between Apocalyptic, Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian, and Utopian genres, often resulting in a blurring between these bleak realities and the search for hope.

During the end of the Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic unit, seniors competed for candy prizes in a test review for Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" called "Cannibal Land," based off a genre-appropriate, warped Candy Land mixed with Trivial Pursuit.

In teams, students spun a wheel and then advanced as human game pieces along a room-sized game board -- aka "the Road" of "Cannibal Land." They answered review questions along the way to collect tokens, which reflected major symbols, themes, and plot-details from the novel, such as the cart, obsidian, cans of food, ash, trees, and the all-important fire.

At the game's conclusion, all students arrived at the end of the road safely. No humans were harmed in the playing of "Cannibal Land"; only candy met its maker.

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