Shorecrest School

Thespians at Districts Qualify for State Competition

Upper School News

Shorecrest Upper School’s International Thespian Society Troupe 3140 participated in the District 4 festival on December 4 and 5. Sixteen schools in the district presented one-act plays at St. Pete College-Clearwater campus. On Thursday and Friday Shorecrest presented “Masterpiece” by Nathan Metcalfe, a play that explores the soul of an artist as she attempts to complete her penultimate work. Troupe 3140’s production was one of three one-act plays selected to go to the Florida Thespian State Festival in March. Three judges praised the cast and crew for their ensemble acting and creative staging. Congrats to all!

On Saturday hundreds of students from around the county presented their work during the Individual Events portion of the festival. Events included solo, duet, small group, and large group musical selections and acting scenes. After a day of presentations, student actors who achieved the level of “Critic’s Choice” performed their piece during the closing ceremony. Cían McCarthy ‘22 and Verity Rabin ‘23 represented Shorecrest with their rendition of “Take Me As I Am” from the musical “Jekyll and Hyde.” 

Congratulations to all the actors and singers from Troupe 3140!

Festival All Star Cast: Zara Peters ‘22 & Story Pennock ‘24
Cast: Ethan Bekurs ‘24, Julia Jaramillo ‘24, Lauren Brumbelow ‘24, Layla Hambleton ‘25, Nathan Barry ‘22, Remy de Paris ‘25, Sarah Ellis Morgan ‘23, Sofi Rosales ‘24, Story Pennock ‘24, Zara Peters ‘22
Stage Manager: Reanna Hossain ‘24
Lighting Board Operator: Ava Peters ‘25

Individual Awards:

Critic’s Choice:
Cian McCarthy ‘22 and Verity Rabin ‘23

Rating of Superior:
Sofia Ayral-Hutton ‘23
Zoey Baker ‘25
Ethan Bekurs ‘24
Holland Bentley ‘23
Jolie Bentley ‘23
Marco Camuzzi  ‘23
Remy de Paris  ‘25
Cian McCarthy ‘22
Ava Peters ‘25
Verity Rabin ‘23
Brooke Wright ‘22

Rating of Excellent:
Jolie Bentley  ‘23
Lauren Brumbelow ‘24
Remy de Paris ‘25
Layla Hambleton ‘25
Julia Jaramillo  ‘24
Sarah Ellis Morgan ‘23
Story Pennock ‘24
Zara Peters ‘22
Sofi Rosales ‘24

Honorable Mention:
Sofia Ayral-Hutton ‘23 (2 honorable mentions)
Jolie Bentley ‘23 (2 Honorable mentions)
Layla Hambleton ‘25

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