Shorecrest School

Shorecrest STEAM Students Build an Arcade Game

Upper School News

In a collaborative project, Shorecrest Upper School students taking  Intro to Engineering, Programming, and Robotics partnered up with students taking Honors 3D Modeling and Entrepreneurship and designed, wired and built a table top arcade game. To complete the project they had to share design specifications without being in the same class at the same time. Additionally students used their learnings of Raspberry Pi (a tiny computer) and Fusion 360 (a cloud-based 3D modeling platform), as well as the Smith Center for Innovation's laser cutter and CNC router to complete this project.

Special thanks to MS/US Media Specialist Allyson Fletcher, Theatre Manager Brad Miller, and Wes Wells, Eric Johnson and Jason Chin from Tech Support for their expertise and assistance. The new arcade will be set up soon in the entrance of the second floor of Charger Commons.

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