Shorecrest School

Introducing the Pyxis Fund

Upper School News Advancement

Shorecrest is proud to announce the creation of the Pyxis Fund, an endowed fund that provides resources to help Shorecrest Middle Schoolers navigate adolescence in the 21st century. Founded by a generous anonymous donor, Pyxis has already made an impact on Shorecrest Middle Schoolers this school year by funding a partnership with The Social Institute (TSI) - a systemic approach to student well-being, social media, and technology use through a gamified online learning platform. By design, the Pyxis Fund will provide resources in perpetuity for Middle School student programming, parent workshops, and professional development for faculty.


Head of School Nancy Spencer shared, “This first-of-its-kind endowed gift establishes a program at Shorecrest which enables us to bring new resources to students, parents and faculty members. We engage students by piquing their interests on the social issues that matter most to them.”



“We are so thankful to have the Pyxis Fund,” said Kris Grant, Head of Middle School. “For this year, Pyxis provided the needed resources for us to partner with The Social Institute, which facilitates an innovative way to help students manage the digital world and all of the social pressures that come along with it.”


The donor shared, “On behalf of my family, we applaud the leadership at Shorecrest with the vision and foresight to dovetail self-development programs for students, teachers, and faculty to elevate college (and life!) preparation to the next level.”


Thanks to the generosity of the donor, Pyxis will continue to provide support for compelling Middle School programming at Shorecrest for years to come, allowing the Middle School faculty and staff to reimagine how to help students navigate life in middle school.



In reflecting on the inspiration for the fund’s name, the donor shared, “Pyxis, Latin for a mariner’s compass, is a small constellation in the southern sky. We chose the name Pyxis as a nod to the celestial light and the inherent goodness in every child. It is time to elevate college preparatory education by equipping the next generation of young people with the authentic and intrinsic ability to chart and navigate life with resiliency. Every young person should have agency to travel through and grow from the turbulent waters at any stage of life.”



“The goal of Pyxis is to enhance a sense of belonging and being known, which is so important to Middle Schoolers. It is the essence of our sense of community at Shorecrest,” Nancy said. “We are so grateful for this meaningful gift.” 



If you have questions about the Pyxis Fund or our restricted endowed giving program, please contact Michael Gills, Director of Advancement, at [email protected]


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