Shorecrest School

Belly Rubs with Guide Dogs

Upper School News

November is Mental Health Awareness Month. There will be educational and fun activities throughout the month of November sponsored by counselor Courtney Ellis '02, and the Mental Health Matters Club. Our goal during these next few weeks is to equip our students with additional knowledge and tools to take care of their mental health, as well as to provide fun activities for their general wellness.

The first was a visit from Southeastern Guide Dogs. People can volunteer with them as puppy raisers and spend a year training a dog to be a guide dog, service dog or therapy dog. Most of the dogs help those with visual impairment, veterans or children.

Trainers brought puppies to Charger Commons on November 2 and offered puppy snuggles/anxiety relief to Chargers. Students often say this is "the best day ever!"

Find more photos here.

Some of the other activities this month to promote wellness will include mental health-centered discussions in advisory, yoga sessions led by high school students, Pajama Day and more. 

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