Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Sailing Chargers Have Amazing start to the season!

Upper School News Athletics

On October 22 the Shorecrest Varsity Sailing Chargers traveled to Jensen Beach to sail in their first regatta of the season and ended up placing 3rd out of 19 other schools from all across South Florida. In windy conditions, the Chargers competed in 10 races. Skipper Kate Danielson ‘24 and crew Ainsley Braun ‘25 sailed for A division and got third in Varsity A as well. For the B Division skipper Rosie Simpson ‘25 and crew Morgan Shirey ‘24 sailed the other 5 races and even won a race. Other team members at the regatta serving as alternates included Ellen Hommeyer '26 and Josh O'Connor '26.

On November 5, the sailing team traveled to Sarasota for their second regatta of the season. In light, hot, and unreliable conditions the Chargers completed 8 races. Skipper Kate Danielson ‘24 and crew Ainsley Braun ‘25 sailed for A Division again and they sailed 4 out of the 8 races. For the B Division, the skipper was Rosie Simpson ‘25 with crew Ellen Hommeyer ‘25, and for one race crew Morgan Shirey ‘24. Other team members at this regatta that served as alternatives were Josh O’Connor '26 and Jimmy Schmidt '26. The Chargers placed 7th out of 18 other schools.

The Chargers' next regatta will be in January in St. Petersburg, hosted by the Saint Petersburg Yacht Club.

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