Shorecrest School

American Mathematics Competition Results

Upper School News

The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) are a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge. In November 2022, Shorecrest Upper School honors-level math students were invited to participate. Nineteen Chargers volunteered to take part - 10 ninth and tenth graders took the AMC 10, and 9 took the AMC 12.

"The tests are very difficult, 75-minute long, multiple-choice tests. A good score is around 50%!" shared Upper School Math Teacher Jessica Thorn.
The AMC 10/12 is the first in a series of competitions that eventually lead all the way to the International Mathematical Olympiad. Students with scores above a certain threshold are invited to compete in several more tests to choose members of the American team for international competition. 

While no Chargers passed the threshold, students performed strongly. Julian Pollack '24, Kevin Tang '23, and Kian Owensby '24 (not pictured) earned top scores for the AMC 12, and Christopher Booth '25, Leilani MacIntyre '26, and Alexis Valance '25 earned top scores for the AMC 10.

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