Shorecrest School

Winer ‘23 Finalist in VEX Robotic essay contest

Upper School News US STEAM

VEX Robotic Online Challenges invited students registered in REC Foundation robotics competition teams worldwide to compete beyond the robotics field in contests such as essay writing, CAD design, poster design, photography and more. Students were able to compete for top prizes and gain experience and recognition they can take with them into their future careers. Dylan Winer ‘23 (Shorecrest robotics Team 6104A) entered a research paper which answered the following prompt: 

VEX Robotics competitors are uniquely positioned to become future innovators and pursue STEM-related careers. Many of the skills developed, including application of the engineering design process, will directly transfer to future professions. We want you to explore a possible future career, and discover the similarities and differences in how that prospective career and VEX Robotics teams use and learn from the process of engineering design. There are many paths that you can take to becoming a STEM leader. Which will you choose?

Winer ‘23 was chosen as one of only 5 finalists in the high school student program. He submitted an essay entitled “The Applications of VEX Robotics Skills to Mechanical Engineering.” He compared and contrasted a professional mechanical engineering career to a participant on a VEX robotics team. Winer wrote, “Participation in VEX Robotics prepares me and others for future STEM careers by instilling students with the skills and knowledge required to master technical fields and continue innovating to solve global problems. Students greatly benefit from VEX robotics as they enter scientific fields in engineering, programming, and more because they will already be familiar with the fundamental concepts driving innovation in society. One of the greatest skills they will develop is leadership, teamwork, and the ability to allocate tasks evenly and efficiently so that each individual contributes their unique skill sets to achieve the team’s goals.”

On February 23 one winner will be selected for automatic qualification for VEX World Robotics competition and a $500 dollar VEX gift certificate. The remaining 4 finalists will receive a $100 VEX gift certificate. Be sure to compliment Dylan on this amazing accomplishment and wish him luck on being chosen as the winner of this challenge!


#ShorecrestSTEAM #Shorecrest2023 #ShorecrestSTEAMCert

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