Shorecrest School

Seniors Lead Lessons

Upper School News

In Ms. Updike's twelfth grade Dystopian Literature honors course, students lead individual lessons once each semester based on a large section of reading. Last week, Graci Silverthorn '23 made and led a creative game over Cormac McCarthy's post-apocalyptic novel "The Road."

Each group of students was gifted a cardboard "bunker" and they had to answer questions after "scavenging" for six objects related to the novel (the man, the boy, a bed, shelves, a radiator, and boxes of food). Students hunted the hallways of Landy as well as their books for nuggets of knowledge, reviewing the text and addressing larger questions such as, "Is survival enough to sustain the human soul" and "In a post-apocalyptic landscape, how would we retain our humanity?" 

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