Shorecrest School

Buddying-Up for Design Thinking

Upper School News

Shorecrest Upper School students in the Introduction to Engineering, Programming, and Robotics course are studying the Design Thinking process and are using this process to create a project for their first grade buddies in Mrs. Sheppard's class. 

Design Thinking first defines a problem and then implements solutions, always with the needs of the user demographic at the core of concept development. The first graders have recently been studying the weather and clouds. This project asks them, "If you were headed up to the clouds and stars, how would you like to get up there?" 

The project has been named "Up, Up and Away!" The goals are to introduce the design thinking process to the first graders, allow the Upper School students some additional practice, and increase connection and community on campus.

The buddies are meeting at least five times over the next few weeks to conduct interviews, propose ideas, and eventually create something fun for the first graders and receive feedback. The process is very engaging and iterative. Watch future Ebytes to find out what gets created!

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