Shorecrest School

Triple Crown Awards

Athletics Upper School News

Congratulations to the following Chargers student-athletes who played hard and strong through 3 seasons of Shorecrest athletics during the 2015-2016 school year:
  • Sophia V 8th grade
  • Colin H  9th
  • Clara L  10th
  • Jack L   10th
  • Sylvia S  10th
  • Mac G   11th
  • Kyle H  11th
  • Nicole L  11th
  • Olivia R  11th
  • Sidney B  12th
  • Patrick F   12th
  • Aundre F  12th
  • Josh K  12th
  • Luke P  12th
  • Jordan W 12th
  • Tanner W  12th
  • Cooper W 12th
In addition, we'd like to commend and recognize the efforts of those who included club sports on their roster - and of course our nationally recognized Varsity Sailing Team that also competes year-round!

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