Shorecrest School

Gift Drive Thank You

SCA News Service News

On behalf of SCA, we want to thank the entire Shorecrest community for your incredible generosity to the 2022 Holiday Gift Drive! This year we were not only able to fulfill the holiday wishlists of 270 children in the Guardian ad Litem program, but we will also likely be able to donate funds to the Guardian ad Litem Foundation of Tampa Bay to help cover ongoing needs of children through the year.


The Holiday Gift Drive is an event that truly takes the entire Shorecrest community to be successful - our families, faculty, and alumni were once again exceedingly generous. The Upper School Guardian ad Litem Club and the Middle School Service Club provided wrapped boxes for each classroom to collect gifts. Student volunteers showed up early in the morning on Friday to help set up for the Gift Drive. The maintenance staff coordinated everything seamlessly on Friday and Saturday, and Shorecrest family volunteers showed up both days to lend a helping hand to make sure gifts were organized, assembled, and delivered. Before Friday, parents donated many hours of time by creating lists on Sign Up Genius and contacting families. Faculty from the Upper, Middle, Lower, and Experiential Schools ensured that gifts made it to the gym, and the students felt pride in a day full of philanthropy. Our classrooms were decorated beautifully with poinsettias that were kindly donated by parents through SCA’s Greenery sale, and then in turn donated to delighted guardians as they picked up gifts for children.



The feedback Shorecrest receives from guardians grows more positive each year. Thanks to all of you, there will be 270 children who are able to smile a little brighter this holiday season. We are so grateful for the continued support of the Shorecrest community for this important project! 


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