Shorecrest School

Fourth Grade Moves Up

Lower School News

On Thursday, May 26, 2016, fourth graders gathered in the Janet Root Theatre along with their families to celebrate their time in Shorecrest Lower School and look ahead to their time in Middle School next year. Dr. Bianco thanked the students for following her Town Meeting advice of "Work hard, have fun and take care of each other."

The students enjoyed watching a video that showcased highlights and memories from earlier grades. Some quotes from the grade include:

Fond memories: "In Alpha class we made green eggs and ham, and they were egg-cellent" "Waffle Wednesday in Mrs. Mantooth's class."

Proud moments: "Mrs. Gootson told me I was one of the best patrols." "Winning the school Geo Bee and beating my older brother." "We took a Dr Seuss quiz in third grade and I was the only one who got all the answers right."

Best advice: "Be ready and pay attention or you might miss a good opportunity." "Don't be scared because I know for a fact that the teachers love playing games."

Favorite Shorecrest tradition: "The Latin Fair helped me learn about the history of foreign countries and their cultures." "Relay For Life because we get to raise money for people with cancer." "The gift drive, when we give presents to children who don't have as much as we do."

Favorite Field trip: "The architectural walk in downtown St. Petersburg."
The best lesson learned: "The fourth grade show encouraged me to remember all my lines in a short time period." "Making friends in kindergarten." 

Favorite book: "'Love That Dog' describes how to move on from something sad." "'The Graveyard Book' has good dialogue." "'The Tale of Despereaux' taught me there's two sides to everything." 

Life lessons learned: "If you're kind to others, you get kindness back." "When one door closes another door opens." "If you try hard you will do well. And I think Shorecrest really wants us all to do well."

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