Shorecrest School

Mark Hasse: Educational Technology

Upper School News

On Friday, October 24th, Shorecrest's GSI was pleased to welcome Mr. Mark Hasse as the featured speaker for its first "campus conversation" this year. Mr. Hasse is the science editor for the German newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt. The recipient of a McCloy Fellowship from the American Council on Germany, Mr. Hasse is in the United States studying the impact of educational technology in the classroom. 

We profited from his presence on our campus to ask about the impact of social media on contemporary journalism, differences between the way German and American outlets present the news, the role of upper editors relative to the correspondents themselves, and other related topics. Relative to the focus of his studies in the United States, he indicated that German school administrators are cautious about the integration of educational technology in the classroom and that German schools are not generally as technology-rich as the American schools he has visited. The GSI students responded well to the content of his remarks as well as to his youth and energy.

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