Shorecrest School

Empty Bowls: Save the Date!

Upper School News

Empty Bowls is a world-wide event created to feed people who are less fortunate. Service Week volunteers made 120 ceramic bowls. These bowls are then fired and glazed. Later, guests are invited for a fundraiser luncheon, where the student-made bowls will hold servings of soup. Guests keep the bowl they choose to eat from and then are suggested to donate for the cause. Through this process, money is raised and then donated to the charity of the group's choice, in this case, the Food Bank of St. Petersburg. 
This year the Empty Bowls luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 11, in the Landy Hall Lobby from 11am -  1pm. The seniors who made the bowls for this project during Service Week will be there to help serve soup to our guests. Please mark this date on your calendar and be sure to come have lunch with us and take home a beautiful bowl for a minimum donation of $10!

(more photos from Empty Bowls Service Week 2015)

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