Shorecrest School

Students Merit Medals in National Spanish Exams

Upper School News

The students in the Upper School merited many awards for the 2015 National Spanish Exams. These exams measure the language proficiency of our students, in their own level and category. The online exam process, having taken place this past March went very well, making Shorecrest very proud of its students.
At a special recognition assembly on Monday, May 18, 2015, the gold, silver and bronze winners were announced. The state and national winners will not be revealed until later this month but it is likely that the gold medal winners will be state winners with monetary compensation being awarded later this summer.
¡Felicidades a todos!
Level 2
Shannon O, Level 2 Regular
Elia J, Level 2 Outside Experience
Allison E, Regular
Samantha E, Regular
Davis G, Regular
Mitchell G, Regular
Elizabeth H, Regular
Zachary K, Regular
Karli M, Regular
Brendan P, Regular
Meghan P, Outside Experience
Sofia G, Bilingual
Kyle D, Regular
Alexandra K, Regular
Adrianna L, Regular
Kyle M, Regular
Laura P, Regular
Sylvia S, Regular
Sara S, Regular
Evan S, Regular
Luigi P, Outside Experience
Level 3
Lucy W, Regular
Courtney M, Regular
Remy B, Regular
Matt L, Regular
Ben P, Regular
Katherine P, Regular
Andreea R, Regular
Henry W, Regular
Charity C, Regular
Clay D, Regular
Alyssa F, Regular
Christian P, Regular
Camille P, Regular
Zack S, Regular
Advanced Level

Josh K, Regular
Luke P, Regular
Katherina F, Bilingual
Megan F, Regular
Matthew K, Regular
Felix S, Regular
Annie G, Regular
Jared H, Regular
Sydney B, Regular
Sidney B, Regular
Dylan L, Regular
Niomi L, Level 4, Regular
Victoria V, Regular
Marine B, Outside Experience
Sabrina M, Outside Experience
Pedro S, Bilingual

(More photos at the end of this album)

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