Shorecrest School

Charger Success at the History Fair

Upper School News

On February 26 and 27, over 33 Shorecrest students went with Mr. Hodgson and Mr. Heller to Osceola High School and the University of South Florida – St. Petersburg to compete in the eighteenth Pinellas County History Day. This was one of the largest county fairs to date. The theme for this year's competition was “Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History.” Students had to research and analyze a topic in history and then create an exhibit, documentary, performance, website, or author a historical paper. Students who placed either first or second are invited to compete in the Florida State History Fair from May 1-3, 2016, at Tallahassee Community College. Good luck to the students heading to Tallahassee in May!

Thank you to Shorecrest's wonderful history teachers, who continue to push our students to new heights, and provide opportunities for them to learn more about deep and important issues in history, and to share their understanding in powerful ways at the History Fair. Our students are fortunate to have such supportive, passionate and knowledgeable guides!

Upper School

Individual Paper: Sara S "Women's Auxiliary Corps in WWII", 3rd place
Exhibit: Elizabeth H "Thor Heyerdahl and Kon-Tiki", 1st Place
Performance: Walker W "Thomas Jefferson Through the Eyes of Madison", 2nd place
Group Performance
Jordan T, Senna P, Giovanni, Mitchell G, Olivia O "Deeds Not Words- the Emmeline Pankhurst Story", 1st place
Mariah V, Kayelin L "The Lady With the Lamp, Florence Nightingale", 2nd place
Documentary: Will H, Ben B, Brendan S, Tanner W "Food Glorious Food- the Automat Story", 3rd place
Kyle M, Wilbur M "Stopping Polio: From Vaccine to Eradication", 1st Place
Max K, Cai B,  Will T, Chris J, Ben P "Nixon, Kruschev and the American National Exhibition", 2nd place
Exhibit: Taylor E, Jake F, Trevor B, Sophie E, Aidan S "Exploring a New World - Ponce de Leon", 2nd place

Middle School

Special Prizes
  • “Best in School Winner” to Meira K, Individual Documentary, "The Lost Boys of Sudan."
  • Lilianna B was awarded $100 from The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for her project on John and Abigail Adams.
  • Joseph B and Jack W were awarded a prize from the Society of Creative Anachronism for their project on the Crusades.
Individual Exhibit
Julia C "Desegregating Dixie", 2nd Place

Individual Website:
Sophia V "The Confederados: The Greatest Exodus in American History", 1st place

Group Performance:
Cal B and Oliver H "Parting Shots: Exploring the Power of Political Prose through Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton’s Encounters and Exchanges", 1st place

Individual Documentary:
Meira K "The Lost Boys of Sudan", 3rd Place

Group Documentary:
Grace L and Kyle L for "Charles Darwin: A Revolution in Evolution", 3rd Place

Individual Performance:
Ari W "Italy’s Revenge: The First and Second Italo-Ethiopian Invasions", 3rd Place

Pinellas History Day Participants:

Historical Paper
Shannon W "Elizabeth Hamilton’s Effect on Alexander Hamilton’s Legacy"
Jonathan C "Ernest Shackleton: Enduring Antarctica"

Individual Exhibit
Will H "A Cultural Exchange on the Diamond"

Group Exhibit
Summer F and Nicole O "The Struggle for Women’s Suffrage in America"

Joseph B and Jack W "Crescents vs. Crosses"

Individual Website
Lilianna B “I am as I Ever Was and Ever Shall Be Yours” The Exchange of Letters Between John and Abigail Adams 1762 - 1801 <>

Group Website
Leah M and Lauren E "Jerusalem: A Collision of Three Religions" <>

Arnav K and Zachary H "Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution" <>

Individual Documentary
Noah S "Glenn Curtiss: Making History with Ideas and Innovation"

Group Documentary
Kanaley C and Aliyah S "Raking the Muck of a Country: Journalists in the Early 1900s"

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