Shorecrest School

2016 Global Scholars Initiative Graduates

Upper School News

Eight members of the Class of 2016 completed the requirements of Shorecrest's Global Scholars Initiative and proudly wore their green and gold cords at this year's Commencement Exercises. This year's portfolio presentations covered a wide variety of global topics and were very impressive for the personal investment in the choice of topic and the depth of resources and experiences on which the students drew. For the first time since the program's inception, we also had two portfolios that were the product of two GSI students working together. In another first, the GSI Board members opted to bestow the "Accepted with Distinction" label on Caroline G's portfolio, done in conjunction with Olivia R ('17), for its overall excellence. 

Submitted projects included: 

Peninah B. - Managing Diabetes: A Comparison of Two Countries

Marine B. - Global Change: Environmental Problems, Political Solutions, Daily Solutions

Caroline G. - Trash and Tourism

Megan F. and Summer H. - A South African Experience with the Simunye Project

Felix S. - The Ukrainian Conflict

Henry W. - Hearts and Minds: Lessons in Counter-Insurgency, 1840-Present

Hannah W. - Israeli Technology for Florida's Water Issues


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