Shorecrest School

Caleb Kravitz ‘20 Announced as Finalist in National “Teendrive365” PSA Challenge

Upper School News

Driving while distracted can make it difficult to react during a potential crash, especially for teen drivers. More than 1200 videos created by teens to inspire their peers to drive more safely and avoid risky behavior were submitted in the TeenDrive365 Video Challenge by Toyota and Discovery Education. Among the 10 finalists is Caleb Kravitz '20!

“The finalists have one thing in common: they all spread the important message of safe driving in a unique and impactful way,” said Al Smith, group vice president, Toyota Social Innovation. “We thank all of the students from across the country who joined in spreading the message of safe driving in a unique and impactful way, and we encourage the public to vote on their favorite choice.”

Caleb’s video "Don't Recline Behind the Wheel" and the other ten finalist videos can be viewed at The public can vote for their favorite video once per day through April 23. The People’s Choice winner will receive $5,000 - so please vote for Caleb every day!

Caleb used the video to give an important message to his friends. “For teens who use their phones while driving, it can wait. No text is worth your life,” he said.

In addition to the People’s Choice winner, several other prize winners will be chosen by a panel of judges comprised of community leaders, educators, communications experts and Toyota representatives. The Grand Prize winner will receive $15,000 and the chance to work with a Discovery Education film crew to reshoot the winning video as a TV-ready PSA.

Caleb began taking Bill Leavengood’s Filmmaking classes in Upper School at the urging of his friend Henry Davis ‘20. “Mr. Leavengood suggested I start entering contests and thought TeenDrive365 might be a good idea. I started the video in tenth grade, my first year of filmmaking, and submitted it in 2018. However, I wasn't a finalist because I didn’t know how to properly give attributions to the Creative Commons music I used. This year I submitted the same video with my sources cited, and ended up in the top 10.”

Upper School students were able to view Caleb’s video and other student-produced films at a recent arts assembly.

About TeenDrive365:
TeenDrive365 is a comprehensive program designed by Toyota and Discovery Education to help teens avoid distractions and stay safe behind the wheel. The initiative offers a range of content, tools and resources designed specifically for educators and teens. The program aims to help guide teens through those critical first years behind the wheel, as well as a develop a lifetime of safe driving habits.

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