
GSI Exchange Student Program

GSI Exchange Student Program

Diversity & Inclusion

The Global Scholars Initiative (GSI) at Shorecrest will be working with two international schools for the 2019-2020 school year to welcome students on campus. The plan is to complete the first EXCHANGE PROGRAM for Middle School next year.

Fourth, fifth and sixth grade Chargers will be hosting a delegation from Lima Villa College. This is a bilingual school located in Lima, Peru, that is a member - like Shorecrest - of ISSE (International School to School Experience). Mrs. Carolina Goicochea, the Headmaster of Lima Villa College, visited Shorecrest in early May. While on campus she visited fourth, fifth and sixth grade classrooms. She also met with Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Grant, Dr. Bianco, and Señora Jaime-Allwood. They spoke about the goals and plans for the GSI Exchange Program.

GSI hopes to send Shorecrest sixth graders, our first Middle School delegation, to Lima for two weeks at the end of the school year, completing a true exchange program. If you are interested, please contact Señora Jaime-Allwood: [email protected].

Eighth grade will have the opportunity to have their first complete exchange with Madrid, Spain. GSI is paired with the bilingual school Colegio Ramon y Cajal thanks to recommendations from Shorecrest parents. Mrs. Paloma Sanz, their Director of Technology and Professional Development, visited Shorecrest in early May. She is the former exchange coordinator at Colegio Ramón y Cajal. They already have an established exchange program with Corbett Prep in Tampa.

Eighth graders will have the chance to host a delegation from Spain in October, and will visit Spain in February. (This trip is full.)

Also coming summer 2020 - a trip for fourth and fifth graders to Madrid and Seville, Spain. More information here!

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GSI Exchange Student Program