Shorecrest School

End-of-Year Challenge Update

Upper School News

Before leaving for Winter Break, Shorecrest announced an End-of-Year Challenge. An anonymous donor family challenged the community to match and exceed their $70,000 philanthropic investment to the Transform Campaign.

We rang in the new year by exceeding this challenge and raised $635,317!

Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to the many parents, grandparents and alumni who have already supported Two Funds. One Mission. this school year.

As much as we have to celebrate, it's important to note that our transformation is far from complete. Driving past Charger Commons in carline, families are saying that the campus has never looked better, but as you walk upstairs you will see that the second floor is still a shell space. 

Imagine the possibilities when the full school community invests in the future of our children! 

We have students and faculty utilizing portables and temporary flex spaces for classrooms as they patiently await the completion of the second floor. Help us provide the quality of the Shorecrest facilities that will match the quality of the classroom experience and ensure continuity for students as they progress through the PK3-12 program. 

If you are interested in learning more about Transform, please contact Michael Gillis at [email protected].
Every gift - whether big or small - helps Shorecrest finish its Transformation! 

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