Shorecrest School

Black History Month Conversations

Upper School News

Recently third graders met with juniors and seniors to get to know each other and to discuss readings and historical topics they were studying.
Mrs. Rebman’s third grade class designed biographical pamphlets of important African American trailblazers throughout history. This was an enrichment, project-based learning activity for their non-fiction literacy unit. In small, roundtable groups, third-grade students presented information regarding political leaders, abolitionists, and humanitarians to Upper School students. Questions and good-natured discussions followed each pamphlet presentation.
Channing Jung ’21 said, “It was amazing how much information the third-grade students in my group had to offer on each activist they presented.”
Honors U.S. History students closed the meeting by explaining various perspectives regarding congressional bill HR40 (Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals). Arguments were presented for the following writers' points of view on reparations: Ta–Nehisi Coates, Coleman Hughes, and Henry Louis Gates Jr.
For the last few minutes of the visit, Mrs. Rebman’s students asked questions to the older Chargers about daily life in high school.

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