Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Nick Banko

Upper School News

Shorecrest’s Mission is made possible by the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends who support the school philanthropically or who effect change globally, locally, or right here at Shorecrest. We call these community members Contributing Chargers.

Shorecrest parent Nick Banko has been a member of the Shorecrest community for 16 years. His son Kole graduated in 2018 and younger son Jett is in the Class of 2021. Jett, a Shorecrest Chargers Athlete, has learned many lessons through athletics that he will carry into college and throughout his life. As a parent, Nick has seen that first hand.

“We couldn’t be happier with the experience and the community that we have been involved with for the last 16 years. The Shorecrest community is so amazing, and academically it’s just the best. There’s no doubt about it and no one disputes that. We take for granted this equally amazing athletic program that we have in the background. 

My son, Jett, started playing football as a junior and is playing now as a senior and it has just been the most amazing experience for him. From the moment that I met with Coach McCall, I’ve been so impressed by the culture of the program and the values that he stands for. It’s not just Coach McCall - it’s the amazing staff that he’s assembled with coaches, whether it be track and field or football, they have all been amazing. I spoke to one of Jett’s teachers during this year’s conference day about how he was doing outside of academics and she told me, ‘It’s just amazing, the growth in him, football has to be a part of that.’ It is so much more than what’s on the field and it transpires into the classroom. Hearing it firsthand from his teacher was so amazing.

When you look at what Shorecrest has been able to do with the support of the Shorecrest Fund, you can’t help but want to participate. I also support the school in part because of Mike Murphy’s legacy — he did such a good job moving the school forward. Shorecrest is just an amazing place. When you see it all come together, it really ties together what you do, and can help you strive to be better as an individual and as a teammate. I look forward to more Charger wins in the near future!”

The impact of Contributing Chargers is felt every day. When we make a gift or volunteer our time to Shorecrest, we are really just giving back to each other. 

Support the Shorecrest Fund today by clicking here or email Olivia Segalman, Director of Donor Relations and Advancement Services, to share your and other Contributing Chargers stories.

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