Shorecrest School

All About Fourth Graders [Video]

Lower School News

Shorecrest fourth graders completed their first writing unit - memoir writing. They started the school year with this topic to build community by learning more about themselves and each other. 

Mrs. Weinkle's class wrote "Where I'm from" poems. Students shared favorite moments and memories in poetic form to expound upon what makes their life experiences uniquely their own.

Students were also asked to interview their families about the origins of their names. Once they completed an initial interview, they compiled information into a "Name Paragraph." This paragraph informs readers about where their name came from, why the author likes it, and what makes it special to themselves or their family.

The memoirs are hanging in the fourth grade hallway, just outside the classrooms. Some include a QR code with a recording of students explaining the story behind their name.

View photos of some more samples here
Watch a video about the projects here.

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