Shorecrest School

Dylan Winer ‘23 named FSU Young Scholar

Upper School News US STEAM

Dylan Winer ‘23 was selected as an FSU Young Scholar for 2022. The Young Scholars Program (YSP) is a six-week, residential, science and mathematics summer program for Florida high school students who have significant potential for careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The program was developed in 1983 and is currently administered by the Office of STEM Teaching Activities at Florida State University. 

Dylan said, "Participating in FSU’s Young Scholars Program will greatly enrich my long-term academic goals by connecting me with experienced faculty members through hands-on experience -- jump-starting my career goals. After the program, I will have a much better understanding of what research at the university level is like, which sets me up for success in college."

Only 40 students from Florida were chosen to participate. Congratulations Dylan!


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