Shorecrest School

Celebrating the Class of 2022

Head of School Letter Upper School News

Tomorrow evening we will celebrate and honor the Class of 2022 as they become Shorecrest’s newest graduates. Their achievements reflect the hard work and vast talents of this diverse group of 87 individuals. As Shorecrest prepares to celebrate its Centennial and embark on a second century of creating lifelong learners who value academic excellence, physical well-being, creative achievement and a commitment to social responsibility, I want to share some of the impressive accomplishments of the Class of 2022. 

The Seniors have challenged themselves academically throughout their four years of Upper School; they have taken a total of 421 Advanced Placement Exams. Many students have participated in Shorecrest’s Signature Programs; 10 Chargers will graduate with their Global Scholars Initiative (GSI) diplomas and five seniors will earn STEAM certificates - two of our seniors are getting both GSI and STEAM certificates, making Shorecrest history! 18 students created Independent Studies in subjects such as Economics of Art, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Humanities, Neurology & Alzheimers, Forensic Science, Medicine in the Military, and Intro to General Veterinary Medicine. 


Our seniors will attend 48 colleges in 22 different states and Washington, DC. A sample of the out-of-state schools where the Class of 2022 will be attending include: Princeton, Brown, Duke, Notre Dame, Williams, Bowdoin, Emory, Vanderbilt, Tulane, the Air Force Academy and the Universities of Alabama, California at Santa Cruz, Georgia, Virginia, Michigan State and Massachusetts. In-state college choices include the University of Florida, Florida State (including the Honors College), UCF, USF, University of Miami, University of Tampa and Eckerd College.   


64% of the Class of 2022 were eligible to receive a FL Bright Futures Scholarship: 33 qualified as FL Bright Futures Academic Scholars and 23 earned the distinction as FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars. Two Shorecrest students were named National Merit Finalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. In addition, thus far, the Class of 2022 has earned $8.57 million dollars in scholarships for their college careers.


The Class of 2022 includes numerous talented athletes who have been leaders and role models for the school’s younger students. Their involvement has supported the Shorecrest athletic program; their sportsmanship and participation leave a positive legacy. In addition, this class has athletes who have brought home state championships in Football, Boys Soccer, Volleyball, Swimming and a national title in sailing. Nine seniors will be pursuing NCAA sports as they move into their college athletic careers.  


Artists abound in the Class of 2022! There are thespians who earned recognition and awards for their talents through the Broadway Star of the Future program, which honors artistic excellence in Tampa Bay and is presented by the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts. Visual artists in this class earned distinctions from the 2022 Pinellas County Art Region of The Scholastic Art Awards program. Student musicians performed in groups and individually for the community throughout the school year, and dazzled their audience with their talent. 


Service learning is an important component of Shorecrest’s educational mission. This year’s Senior Class completed over 10,000 service hours. They traveled locally and across the nation for their Service Week commitment. Outside interest in civics is also important to this class which includes seniors who were selected as delegates to the Florida Girls State and Boys State programs, sponsored by the Florida American Legion and Legion Auxiliary. In addition, this class included a winner of the Sons of the American Revolution essay contest and a student who was selected by the Coolidge Foundation to be a Coolidge Senator and attend a summit in Washington, D.C. 


Family connections are an important component of community-building here at Shorecrest. The Class of 2022 includes four legacy students, with at least one parent who attended Shorecrest in the past. In addition, nearly 40% of this class, 35 students, are “lifers” at Shorecrest. This senior class also includes five students who are children of current faculty/staff members. 


Near or far, we know that the Shorecrest Class of 2022 will remain Chargers, committed to lifelong learning and to making a positive difference in the world. We are so proud of these accomplished individuals and look forward to watching them excel not only in colleges and universities, but also in their professional and personal adult lives.  


Well done, Class of 2022, and congratulations to you and your families on this milestone occasion!


All the best, 





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