Shorecrest School

Campus Planning Initiative - Share Your Input! 

Lower School News Upper School News

Community feedback and multiple perspectives are invaluable as we plan for the future of the Shorecrest campus. Our campus planning partners at HKS have crafted the below survey to gather your insight into the current state of the campus and facilities of Shorecrest, focusing on potential areas for improvement that are meaningful to you. Please take a moment to take the campus planning survey: 

Take the Survey

Please submit your feedback by Tuesday, March 11. 

The HKS group is an architect/design firm with extensive experience in the education environments of schools. Our objective in engaging HKS is to have them look at the Shorecrest campus holistically and do three things, all based on the school's Mission, strategic plan and institutional priorities:  

  • Explore how to best optimize our current campus and facilities 
  • Evaluate site circulation 
  • Consider future growth and development of capital projects

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