Shorecrest educates a wide range of students from 3-years-old through 12th grade, and co-curricular opportunities are different in each division. From teacher-led after school activities in The Experiential School, to student-run service clubs in the Upper School, opportunities abound at Shorecrest. 

Clubs & Activities Highlights 

  • Middle School Variety Show - held annually, this fun and engaging evening features the incredible talents of Shorecrest Middle Schoolers. From seasoned singers and Thespian troupes, to self-taught jugglers and comedians, to emerging pianists - this low-stakes performance opportunity showcases student talent and helps students gain on-stage experience. 
  • Special Olympics at Shorecrest - in a partnership with Special Olympics, Shorecrest has been a site for the Hillsborough and Pinellas County Fall Classic, giving Middle and Upper School students opportunities to volunteer on-field with athletes or to create community-building social opportunities in an Olympic Village. 
  • Scouting at Shorecrest - Shorecrest hosts meetings of both Boy and Girl Scout troops. Troops are led by Shorecrest parents or other community members.
  • Affinity Groups - through affinity groups like the Jewish Student Union, Black Student Union, and Hispanic Heritage Union, Shorecrest students can connect with fellow students who share that facet of their identity.