Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Pride Family Fun Day, Dec 11

Diversity & Inclusion

Shorecrest Pride is part of the entire community through a student affinity group, a family group and a faculty/staff group. The Shorecrest community is invited to join Pride Family Fun Day on Saturday, December 11 from 10am - 2pm outside Charger Commons.
  • Food and friends
  • Crafts
  • Compete in goofy games
  • Come for an hour or all day long!
A new effort of our SAGA student groups is assisting monthly with the Experiential School morning carline. This allows the youngest Chargers on campus to interact with the “big kid” high school students. Shorecrest Pride Upper School student members were asked to take their turn helping out in December to highlight the upcoming Shorecrest Pride Family Fun Day. In return, the students asked faculty and staff on campus to participate by wearing Shorecrest Pride spirit wear on December 1. Community support of all identities on our campus starts with our amazing faculty and administrators and their shared values of respect and empathy for others. 

At Shorecrest, an affinity group is a group of community members with a shared, underrepresented presence with the purposes of empathy, support and education. The Shorecrest Affinity Group Alliance (SAGA) is a collection of the family affinity groups that exist in the Shorecrest Community. The SAGA Parent Coordinator for the 2021-22 school year is Emily Arthur, mother of Jackson ‘33. She works with Roderick Fludd, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion, to connect affinity group members to one another and to the full Shorecrest community. If you are interested in learning more about the Shorecrest Pride family group, reach out to Emily at [email protected] and/or Roderick Fludd at [email protected] for information.

The SAGA family groups that are currently active are:
  • Families of African American Students
  • International Connections
  • Latinos en Shorecrest
  • Shorecrest Pride (LGBTQIA+ families)

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