Shorecrest School

Holidays Around the World

Lower School News

Shorecrest's International Connection group sent volunteers to visit the second grade Winter Celebration this week to talk about children's celebrations and traditions during winter holidays from around the world. The religious, spiritual, cultural and seasonal traditions they shared tied in perfectly with the second grade 'Kids are Different' curriculum.

Representatives from England, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Vietnam presented to the classes. Students noted many similarities, like receiving gifts of new clothes, decorating trees, eating special meals, and spending time with family. They opened Christmas crackers with a BANG, received new bookmarks, played dreidel in groups and much more. Thank you to all of the volunteers who shared their knowledge and stories in Lower School this holiday season!

As part of the I.C. mission, volunteers can offer first-hand knowledge of international customs and traditions, increasing global perspective in the classroom. If your classroom could use a visitor, contact Susi Bean.

View more photos here.

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