Shorecrest School

Middle School Students Interviewed by Yoga Journal

In the Press

Fifth grade twins Holland and Jolie B were recently featured on Yoga Journal's Instagram account, as part of a 21 day yoga challenge to help inspire people around the world to do yoga. They were interviewed by renowned yoga photographer Robert Sturman as well. The caption on their photo read:

"Today I have the honor of celebrating a couple of Yoginis I met on the Gulf Coast of Florida a few months back - 10 year old twins by the name of Jolie (left) and Holland (right). They sang songs, danced and practiced yoga by the sea with me and it was one of those magical meetings that I will always cherish.

What do you love about yoga?
We love yoga down to the core, especially because yoga helps us sing from the core. We love how yoga taught us how the breath works like magic. We especially use the magical breath when playing a music gig & during an exam in middle school.

How do you rejuvenate your practice?
When we need to rejuvenate our practice we like to sing a song to get our yoga groove on.

What challenges you?
Holland: The poses / asanas are more challenging than they look, especially when it hurts.
Jolie: I think balancing poses are challenging especially the crow.

How do you stay motivated?
Robert Sturman, our mom & auntie motivate us.

How do you keep in touch with the spiritual side during busy times?
We love how yoga reminds us we are all one & to love all equally, especially through the drama that sometimes happens in middle school."

What a great interview, girls! It is wonderful that yoga helps you find your center, even at school!

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