Shorecrest School

Safety Behind the Wheel

Upper School News

The educational, nonprofit organization More Health recently visited the ninth grade health classes. The presenter, Karen Foster, spoke to the students about 'Teens and Trauma.' The classes previewed two videos about alcohol and driving and distracted driving then during the visit Ms. Foster spoke about the dangers of both situations and emphasized how dangerous it is to text, talk on a cell phone or multitask - like eating - while driving.

Students had the chance to try on 'intoxicated goggles' and experience other games that show how difficult it is for the brain to focus on more than one task at a time. The students were engaged and seemed to realize how dangerous these behaviors are when driving and that serious injury or death can result.

Ms. Foster informed everyone that Florida is one of the top states to have accidents related to bikes and pedestrian traffic, and that they should be careful whenever they are on the road. All Children's Hospital and All State Insurance Company are two of the main sponsors of the More Health organization, and their hope is to reduce teen traffic accidents through education.


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