Shorecrest School

Cum Laude Society Inductees

Upper School News

The Cum Laude Society recognizes academic achievement in secondary schools for the purpose of promoting excellence (Areté), justice (Diké) and honor (Timé). The Society was founded in 1906 to recognize scholastic achievement of seniors in secondary schools. Shorecrest is among 1% of Independent high schools in the U.S. who offer this honored distiction. Of each graduating class, up to 20% of students may be inducted to recognize excellence.

The motto of the Society is Areté, Diké, Timé - Excellence, Justice, Honor. Areté includes the concept of excellence in the moral sense and is not limited to the ideal of superiority and scholarship, nor does it involve the endeavor of competing primarily for academic goals. Diké includes the concept of what is suitable and appropriate, as well as just. Timé includes the concept of dignity and truth, as well as honor.

Congratulations to the 17 members of the Class of 2016 who earned membership and were awarded pins and certificates of membership:
Peninah B
Sydney B
Marine B
Seif E
Megan F
Caroline G
Jared H
Chase J
Joshua K
Matthew K
Dylan L
Meredith L
Luke P
Felix S
Virginia S
Henry W
Not pictured: Sidney B

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