Shorecrest School

Achievements and Improvement

Head of School Letter

Winning the State Championship in Tennis for the second time. Yea Peter!

Advancing to States in doubles tennis and coming in 2nd. Yea, Peter and Luis!

Being a part of the cast of “The Phantom of the Opera.” Yea Cast Members!

Hitting middle and low notes - Yea Matt and Jonathan!

Hitting the High notes - Yea Shannon and Ginny!

Amazing Visual Art - Yea Logan, Sophie, Angel and Taylor Ann!

Amazing Sculpture - Yea Patrick!

Amazing Photograph - Yea, Taylor!

$80,000+ earned for Relay For Life - Yea, Relay Teams and Leaders!

Breaking a school record in the mile with a 4:19 - Yea Luke!

37 new members of National Honor Society - Yea Students!

17 new members to the most elite academic society in independent schools (pictured) - Yea Cum Laude Society new inductees!

Winning Blank Theatre Playwriting Competition in LA - Yea Charlotte!

In the coming weeks we will acknowledge many of our Upper School and Middle School students for their academic, athletics, arts and service achievements. We will be proud to recognize the students who have met the high standards of the faculty and school.

Many of the most important achievements will be recognized in very personal and often private conversations between a child and a teacher or a child and a parent/guardian. The teachers and parents know the children who have made amazing progress in some area of development. Reading at a higher level, jumping ahead in math, improvement in writing skills, increased confidence to speak up, improved organizational skills, development of a passion in coding or robotics and focused work on a problem or research topic represent achievements with lifelong implications.

Not everyone can break a record, but everyone can improve. I join with faculty and parents in celebrating the achievements and improvements demonstrated by students of all ages.


Related story: Cum Laude Society inductees

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