Shorecrest School

Tri-M’s First Service Saturday

Upper School News

Tri-M, Shorecrest’s Upper School music honor society, performed community service at the St. Petersburg Free Clinic Family Residence in St. Petersburg. Over the past two months, Tri-M’s president, junior Mitchell G., corresponded frequently with the director of volunteer services at the St. Petersburg Free Clinic and the director of the Family Residence to plan, organize and implement Tri-M’s first group service experience. Mitchell has volunteered at the St. Petersburg Free Clinic many times in the past and was aware it is an organization that has many opportunities for volunteers. Tri-M is committed to sustaining this new and exciting relationship between Shorecrest and the Family Residence.
The members of Tri-M donated art supplies for a fun holiday craft activity, snacks and an abundance of Thanksgiving decorations to brighten the common spaces in the homes at the Family Residence. The Tri-M members helped the children make Thanksgiving turkeys to hang on the wall in their temporary homes. The children were very proud of their efforts and each wrote what they are thankful for on their turkey. After finishing their art activity and snack, the Shorecrest students sang songs with the children and senior, Jonathan D., taught the children several playground games.
In February of 2013, the St. Petersburg Free Clinic acquired property for the purpose of better serving homeless families. Working with the Juvenile Welfare Board, 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares and Personal Enrichment for Mental Health Services (PEMHS), homeless families are referred to the program. These families are provided intensive navigation services to overcome the barriers to obtain permanent housing. Many of the families residing at the Family Residence include working mothers and their children who have fallen on hard times and need temporary assistance. The families usually stay at the Family Residence from 30 to 45 days while they get their feet back on the ground. There are often 15 families with as many as 35 children in living in the complex.

The Director and staff at the Family Residence were very grateful for the time the Chargers spent with the children and they were very complimentary of what a great job the students did with organizing and implementing their first service project. The Family Residence and Tri-M are looking forward to the next service day.

Great Job Tri-M!

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